时间:2022-06-09 作者: 来源:农学 点击:8007
孙文静,女,1988年8月生,汉族,山东高密人,博士,中南六省(区)中西兽医结合研究会理事。2021年6月毕业于西北农林科技大学,先后参与了公益性行业(农业)科研专项、国家自然科学基金面上项目、山东省自然科学基金三项。以第一作者或者通讯作者在国内外知名期刊Biosensors and Bioelectronics (SCI一区,IF=10.618,TOP期刊)、Carbohydrate Polymers (SCI二区,IF=9.381,TOP期刊)、International Journal of Biological Macromolecules (SCI二区,IF= 6.953,TOP期刊)、Frontiers in Immunology (SCI二区,IF= 7.561,TOP期刊)和Molecules (SCI二区,IF=4.411)等发表SCI论文10篇,累积影响因子60。获得发明专利一项:一种新城疫疫苗玉屏风多糖免疫增强剂。
2015.9- 2021.6 西北农林科技大学 基础兽医学-新兽药研发 博士
2012.9- 2015.6 山东农业大学 临床兽医学-中兽药药理研究 硕士
2008.9- 2012.6 山东农业大学 动物科技学院-动物医学 本科
[1] Xiaogang Chen1, Wenjing Sun1, Baichang Xu, Enyun Wu, Yao Cui, Kaiyuan Hao, Geyin Zhang, Congcong Zhou, Yanping Xu, Jiang Li *, Hongbin Si *. Polysaccharides from the roots of Millettia Speciosa Champ modulate gut health and ameliorate cyclophosphamide-induced intestinal injury and immunosuppression. Frontiers in Immunology. 21 October 2021(Top期刊二区IF: 7.561共同第一)
[2] En-Yun Wu† , Wen-Jing Sun†, Ying Wang , Ge-Yin Zhang , Bai-Chang Xu , Xiao-Gang Chen ,Kai-Yuan Hao, Ling-Zhi He and Hong-Bin Si*. Optimization of Ultrasonic-Assisted Extraction of Total Flavonoids from Abrus Cantoniensis (Abriherba) by Response Surface Methodology and Evaluation of Its Anti-Inflammatory Effect. Molecules. 22 March 2022
(二区IF: 4.411共同第一)
[3] Dongshuai Qu, Hongjie Hu, Shuaitao Lian, Hongbin Si*, Wenjing Sun*. The protective effects of three polysaccharides from Abrus cantoniensis against cyclophosphamide-induced immunosuppression and oxidative damage. Fronteiers in Veterinary Science. 30 March 2022. (已录用,二区IF:3.412 通讯作者)
[4] Ying Wang†, Wenjing Sun†, Enyun Wu, Kaijun Wang, Xiaogang Chen, Yao Cui, Geyin Zhang, Feifei Lv, Yuhan Wang, Xiaomin Peng and Hongbin Si* Polysaccharide from Abrus cantoniensis Hance modulate intestinal microflora,improve intestinal mucosal barrier and liver oxidative damage induced by heat stress. Fronteiers in Veterinary Science.02 Mar 2022. (已录用,二区IF:3.412共同第一)
[5] Yao Cui †, Wenjing Sun†, Qinmei Li, Kaijun Wang, Yuhan Wang, Feifei Lv, Xiaogang Chen, Xiaomin Peng, Ying Wang, Jiang Li* and Hongbin Si*. Effects of Caulis Spatholobi Polysaccharide on Immunity, Intestinal Mucosal Barrier Function, and Intestinal Microbiota in Cyclophosphamide-Induced Immunosuppressive Chickens. Fronteiers in Veterinary Science. 18 March 2022. (已录用,二区IF: 3.412共同第一)
[6] Wenjing Sun, Wenjie Hu, Kai Meng, Lumiao Yang, Weimin Zhang, Xiaoping Song, Xiaohao Qu, Yueyang Zhang, Lin Ma, Yunpeng Fan. Activation of macrophages by the ophiopogon polysaccharide liposome from the root tuber of Ophiopogon japonicus. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2016,91:918-925.(二区 F: 6.953)
[7] Xiaona Zhao1, Wenjing Sun1, Shijie Zhang, Guangju Meng, Chunhua Qi, Wentao Yuge Wang, Jianzhu Liu. The immune adjuvant response of polysaccharides from Atractylodis macrocephalae Koidz in chickens vaccinated against Newcastle disease (ND). Carbohydrate Polymers. 2016,141: 190-196.(Top期刊 二区IF: 9.381 共同第一)
[8] Wenjing Sun, Kai Meng, Chunhua Qi, Xianyong Yang, Yuge Wang, Wentao Fan, Zhengui Yan, Xiaona Zhao, Jianzhu Liu. Immune-enhancing activity of polysaccharides isolated from Atractylodis macrocephalae Koidz. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2015,126: 91-96.(Top期刊 二区IF: 9.381)
[9] 发明专利名称:一种新城疫疫苗玉屏风多糖免疫增强剂,发明人:赵晓娜;孙文静;刘建柱;马藤菲;郝盼;王胜华。专利号:ZL 2015 1 0385579. 2
2. 公益性行业(农业)科研专项“中兽药生产关键技术研究与应用”(NO.201303040)子课题“防治瘀热互结型子宫内膜炎中兽药栓剂生产关键技术研究”,经费94万。2013年3月4日~2017年12月31日,参与。
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于诱导Kupffer细胞miRNAs的表达探讨麦冬多糖脂质体免疫增强作用机制”,经费62万。2018年1月1日~2021年12月31日,参与。
4. 山东省自然科学基金“玉屏风活性多糖对雏鸡的免疫增强作用及机理研究”( ZR2012CQ001),经费10万。2012年7月1日~2015年7月31日,参与。