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时间:2023-12-05 作者: 来源:理学 点击:7163











[1] Yongjian Liu(刘永建),Shengda Zeng,Leszek Gasi´nski, Yun-Ho Kim, Convergence analysis of a power penalty approach for a class of nonlocal double phase complementarity systems, Journal of Geometric Analysis202333 (1) : 6 . 

[2] YongjianLiu(刘永建),Zhenhai Liu,Nikolaos S.Papageorgiou, Sensitivity analysis of optimal control problems driven by dynamic history-dependent variational-hemivariational inequalities, Journal of Differential Equations, 342 (2023) 5559-595 .

[3] Qiu Huang,Yongjian Liu(刘永建),Chunbiao Li,Aimin Liu,Homoclinic chaos in a four-dimensional manifold piecewise linear system,International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2022,32(15): 2250230 (15 pages).

[4] Yongjian Liu(刘永建), Haimei Chen, Xiaoting Lu, Chunsheng Feng, Aimin Liu, Homoclinic orbits and Jacobi stability on the orbits of Maxwell-Bloch system, Applicable Analysis, 2022, 10113:4377-4396.

[5] Yongjian Liu(刘永建)Zhenhai LiuSisi PengChing-Feng WenOptimal feedback control for a class of fractional evolution equations with history-dependent operatorsFractional Calculus and Applied Analysis (2022) 252:1108-1130.

[6] Yongjian Liu(刘永建), Biyu Chen,Xiezhen Huang,Li Ye,Zhouchao Wei, Qualitative geometric analysis of traveling wave solutions of the modified equal width Burgers equation,Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences,2022,4516):9560-9577 .

[7] Xiaoting Lu, Yongjian Liu(刘永建), Aimin Liu, Chunsheng FengNew geometric viewpoints to Chen chaotic systemMiskolc Mathematical Notes202223 (1)339-362 DOI: 10.18514/MMN.2022.3787

[8] Ting Lai, Chunsheng Feng, Yongjian Liu(刘永建), Aimin Liu,Geometric analysis and onset of chaos for the resonant nonlinear Schrodinger system, The European Physical Journal Special Topics , 202223111-12):2133-2142.

[9] Yongjian Liu(刘永建), Zhenhai Liu, Ching-Feng Wen,Jen-Chih YaoExistence of solutions for non-coercive variational-hemivariational inequalities involving the nonlocal fractional p-Laplacian,Optimization, 2022 ,71(3):485-503.

[10] Jing Zhao, Zhenhai Liu, Yongjian Liu(刘永建), Approximate controllability of non-autonomous second-order evolution hemivariational inequalities with nonlocal conditions,Applicable Analysis, 2021(1):1-15.

[11] YongjianLiu(刘永建),Chunbiao Li, Aimin Liu, Analysis of geometric invariants for three types of bifurcations in 2D differential systemsInternational Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2021, 31 (7) 2150105 (12 pages).

[12] JixiaCen,YongjianLiu(刘永建),Van Thien Nguyen, Shengda Zeng, Existence of solutions for fractionalevolution inclusion with applicationto mechanical contact problems,Fractals, 2021,29(8):2140036 (14 pages).

[13] 刘永建,黄秋健,Rabinovich系统的Jacobi分析,数学物理学报,2021,41A(3):783-796

[14] YongjianLiu(刘永建), Stanislaw Migorski, VanThien Nguyen, Shengda Zeng, Existence and convergence results for elastic frictional contact problem with nonmonotone subdifferential boundary conditions, Acta Mathematica Scientia,2021,41B4: 1151-1168

[15] YongjianLiu(刘永建),ZhenhaiLiu, Ching-Feng Wen, Jen-ChihYao,ShengdaZeng, Existence of solutions for a class of noncoercivevariational-hemivariational inequalities arising in contactproblems, Applied Mathematics and Optimization,2021842, 2037-2059.

[16] Yongjian Liu(刘永建)Qiujian HuangZhouchao WeiDynamics at infinity and Jacobi stability of trajectories for the Yang-Chen system, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B,2021, 26(6): 3357-3380 .

[17] Yongjian Liu(刘永建),Zhenhai Liu, Dumitru Motreanu, Existence and approximated results of solutions for a class of nonlocal elliptic variational-hemivariational inequalities, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences2020,43(17) 9543-9556. 

[18] YongjianLiu(刘永建), Abdul Jalil M. Khalaf, TasawarHayat, AhmedAlsaedi, Viet-ThanhPham, SajadJafari, A Complete investigation of the effect of external force on a 3D megastable oscillator, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2020,30 (1) 2050012 (10 pages).

[19] ChunshengFeng, QiujianHuang,Yongjian Liu(刘永建),Jacobi analysis for an unusual 3D autonomous system, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 2020,17 (4) :2050062 (20 pages).

[20] Haimei Chen,Yongjian Liu(刘永建), Chunsheng Feng,Aimin Liu, Xiezhen Huang, Dynamics at infinity and existence of singularly degenerate heteroclinic cycles in Maxwell-Bloch system, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics  2020, 15(10): 101007 (8 pages).   

[21] Aimin Liu,Biyu Chen,Yuming Wei, Jacobi analysis of a segmented disc dynamo system, International Journal  of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics,(2020)17,14 2050205 (21 pages).

[22] Qiujian Huang, AiminLiu,Yongjian Liu(刘永建),Jacobi stability analysis of the Chen system, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,2019,29,10: 1950139.  

[23] Zhouchao WeiYingying LiBo SangYongjian Liu(刘永建)Wei Zhang, Complex dynamical behaviors in a 3D simple chaotic flow with 3D stable or 3D unstable manifolds of a single equilibrium, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2019, 29, 7, 1950095.

[24] Yingying Li, Jing Yang, Zhouchao Wei, Yongjian Liu(刘永建),Bogdanov-Takens singularity in the simplememristive time-delay system, The European Physical Journal Special Topics,2019, 228, 2093-2100.  

[25] Yongjian Liu(刘永建), FahimehNazarimehr, Abdul Jalil M. Khalaf, Ahmed Alsaedi, TasawarHayat, Detecting bifurcation points in a memristiveneuron model, The European Physical Journal Special Topics,2019,228, 1943-1950.   

[26] Yongjian Liu(刘永建), Abdul Jalil M. Khalaf, SajadJafari, IqtadarHussain, Chimera state in atwo-dimensional network of coupledgenetic oscillators,  Europhysics Letters,2019,127,40001.

[27] ChunbiaoLi,YujieXu,GuanrongChen,Yongjian Liu(刘永建),JincunZheng,Conditional symmetry: bond for attractor growing, Nonlinear Dynamics,2019, 95(2): 1245-1256. 

[28] 黄燮桢,刘永建(通讯),黄秋健,一类新混沌系统的几何分析,数学物理学报,2019,39A(2)339-347. 

[29] Yongjian Liu(刘永建), Zhoucao Wei, Chunbiao Li, AiminLiu, LijieLi, Attractor and bifurcation of forced Lorenz-84 systemInternational Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics,2019,16(1) 1950002.

[30] Chunbiao Li, Julien Clinton Sprott, Yongjian Liu(刘永建), ZhenyuGu,JingweiZhang,Offset boosting for breeding conditional symmetry,International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,2018,28, 14: 1850163. 


1)主持国家自然科学基金项目, 分段光滑高维微分系统复杂动力学与混沌研究123711792024.01-2027.12)。

2)主持国家自然科学基金项目, Lorenz-like系统族的不稳定性与混沌机制研究(11961074,2020.01-2023.12)。

3)主持国家自然科学基金项目, Lorenz型与随机Lorenz型系统族的分岔与混沌(11561069,2016.01-2019.12)。

4)主持国家自然科学基金项目, Lorenz-like系统族的等价性和混沌吸引子几何结构(11161051,2012.01-2015.12)。












